Putting an end to AIPAC control of Congress and U.S. foreign policy
and, a new party President's "Everlasting Peace Plan"
The Israeli government is executing a war of attrition against the Palestinian people via AIPAC - the illegal foreign lobby group inside the United States and Congress who routinely and systematically makes illegal campaign contributions to U.S. candidates for the House, Senate and White House through their system of “Baby PACs” to avoid federal prosecution for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
AIPAC is an unprosecuted illegal foreign lobby group who unlawfully influences and controls U.S. foreign policy with regard to Israel, the Middle East, Russia, China, Ukraine.
Clearly AIPAC has been violating FARA since President Kennedy and US Attorney General Robert Kennedy warned the illegal Israeli lobby to STOP making illegal U.S. campaign contributions and immediately register as the foreign lobby group they were and are.
Several months after the US Attorney General’s office demanded that Israel register its foreign lobby group as a foreign lobby, on November 22, 1963 the DOJ demand for registration fell silent, and the illegal Israeli foreign lobby group, the AZC - American Zionist Council continued to make illegal campaign contributions to federal candidates in U.S. elections.
The AZC was superceded by AIPAC, who remains unprosecuted to this day for decades worth of FARA violations.
A new Party President could appoint a U.S. Attorney General who will enforce the FARA on any illegal foreign lobby group in the USA, and put an END to AIPAC control of Congress and U.S. foreign policy.
A majority of American voters are sick and tired of Congress unlawfully funding and arming Israel, tired of the state-sponsored mass murder, occupation, blockades, all of it.
We know that BIG MONEY in our government is what keeps Democrats and Republicans subservient to AIPAC control of U.S. foreign policy.
There's a new party who is running new candidates for Congress in 2026 and a new party Presidential candidate for the White House in 2028.
We the People KNOW WHAT TO DO and WE'RE GOING TO DO IT in 2028.
Since November 22, 1967 Israel has refused to comply with int'l law, especially U.N. Resolution 242 which MANDATES, that's MANDATES Israel withdrawing from the Palestinian territories and recognizing Palestinians right of return.
U.N. Res. 242 is NON-NEGOTIABLE and certainly is not an instrument of negotiation.
Only a land-thieving criminal would believe they enjoy a legal right to steal other people's land.
Unprosecuted criminals who have a history of stealing other people's land will surely try to steal again.
Here's the deal Bubba:
In 2028 a non-Democrat, non-Republican U.S. President will give Israel a 45-day eviction notice to comply with U.N. Res. 242; and on Day 46 if Israel fails to comply, then the new President will direct US forces to enforce U.N. Res. 242 on the pre-invasion boundary lines mandated in U.N. Res. 242.
Israel has 45 days to transfer the 750,000 settlers in the West Bank back to Israel proper, or the U.S. will do it beginning Day 46.
The NEW U.S. President will bring permanent peace to Israelis and Palestinians by enforcing U.N. Res. 242 and by voting for Palestinian statehood at the U.N. on pre-invasion boundaries.
Further, the new U.S. President will acquire Palestinian support and authorization for the President's permanent Peace plan featuring security guarantees for both sides based on Palestinian statehood on pre-invasion borders.
The new President will defend Israel at its pre-invasion borders, but will NOT defend or arm Israel as long as Israel remains on other people's land.
Former Israeli PM Olmert has the right idea, but he knows that a majority of Israelis OPPOSE complying with int'l law, OPPOSE ending the Occupation and blockades, OPPOSE statehood for Palestinians and OPPOSE sending food and aid trucks into Gaza. (See, the Israeli Institute of polling)
Olmert supports Palestinian statehood on pre-invasion borders, but he said most Israelis will never support complying with U.N. Res. 242 and Palestinian statehood on pre-invasion borders.
The new U.S. President and his/her Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will meet with the Israeli PM and defense minister and inform the PM of the President's permanent Peace plan, Palestinian support of said plan and explain to the PM the immense, great benefit of Israel becoming a signatory to the President's plan and voluntarily complying with U.N. 242: the list of benefits to Israel include:
*permanent Peace between Israel and Palestinians, Iranians, Hezbollah and Houthis:
*Global acceptance of Israel on every level, including a permanent end to all boycotts against Israel and revitalize Israel's business reputation worldwide;
*Jump start Israel's economy and put Israel on the path to economic prosperity as Israel would no longer have to spend a majority of its resources - financial and human - to prepare for war and conflict with everyone in the region.
There's plenty of Israelis who would tell me, You're crazy! Hamas will never comply with int'l law and will never stop attacking Israelis because their goal is to kill us all and drive us into the sea.
I'm going to address this false dichotomy directly:
First of all, there is ZERO CHANCE of Palestinians destroying Israel, considering the fact that at no point in time have Palestinians possessed the military capability to destroy Israel. The very opposite is true.
The good news for Israelis and Palestinians came in 2017, when Hamas changed their original charter from "driving Jews into the sea" to a new policy of peace with Israelis based on Palestinian statehood on pre-invasion borders.
This policy change was not lost on the American people, nor was the obvious need for Israel to comply with U.N. Res. 242 and withdraw from the Palestinian territories.
Hamas said they would not recognize Israel as an official state, but they do seek permanent Peace with Israel and seek a permanent end to the Occupation based on statehood on pre-invasion borders.
Here in the U.S. Democrats and Republicans will not tell voters the truth of the matter; instead, they claim they support statehood for Palestinians but remain unwilling to force Israel to fully withdraw from the Palestinian territories and end the blockade of Gaza, and a majority of American voters are sick and tired of it.
We The People KNOW that Biden could end Israel's daily aerial bombing campaigns by simply picking up the phone and ordering the Pentagon to stop shipping weapons to Israel, and approx. 72 hours later, Israel would have to end their aerial bombing campaigns.
Biden won't do it because Biden shares the same beliefs a majority of Israelis believe: a majority of Israelis actually believe that Palestinian land belongs to Israel and Palestinians are simply squatters living on Israeli land and borrowed time.
Instead, Biden and the U.S. Ziomedia lie about Israel's true intentions to annex Gaza and the West Bank, exterminating and expelling Palestinians from Palestinian land.
Biden and Harris lie to the American people about Israel simply wanting to peacefully co-exist with Palestinians.
75 years of brutal US-backed Israeli Occupation, blockades, mass murder, mass imprisonment and state-sponsored poverty and unemployment prove otherwise.
We The People have a dream: and that dream is for Palestinians and Israelis to live in permanent Peace and actually thrive regionally and globally without any more cross border attacks or any violence of any kind.
I can visualize generations of Israelis and Palestinians being born into a peaceful, stable Israel and Palestinian state that never again will live in fear, suffering and agony.
I believe we really can live long and prosper together.
The longest journey begins with but a single step.